Ear Piercing

Most people remember when and where they had their ears pierced, so at Gunn Dermatology, you can be assured that ear piercing will be a positive experience for yourself or your child.  We recommend piercing after 6 years of age.  However, we pierce all ages as we respect all cultures.  

Cost $125 (includes the earrings)


What to Expect:

On arrival, you will be able to pick out your earrings from our hypoallergenic stud variety.  We recommend choosing a small and comfortable earring for your initial piercing.  

Numbing cream can be applied 15-45 minutes before piercing.  Ice immediately applied before piercing helps significantly.  

All ears have asymmetry, meaning one ear hangs lower than the other.  We will make a map of your ears to ensure they are placed an equal distance from the face to the end of the ear lobe.  Before piercing, we will all agree on placement, and changes are to the markings are encouraged.  Both piercing and performed at the same time to reduce pain and stress.  



  • With your new piercing studs in, gently clean your ears with soap and warm water once a day while in the shower. Keep the ears clean and away from any dirty water or dirty environments.

  • With clean fingers, gently twist the studs back and forth once a day for 4-6 weeks.

  • Do not remove your piercing studs for 6-8 weeks.

  • We recommend you replace the studs at 6-8 weeks with small earrings.  We recommend always having earrings in the ear for 2 years.  Even going a few weeks to a few months can lead to the piercing closing.  

If irritation to your skin or any infection occurs, you can use vinegar soaps (1/3 vinegar 2/3 water on a cotton ball 3x daily if the ear becomes swollen).  Infections are extremely rare and usually a sign of over-cleaning or touching the earring with fingers. 

Following these procedures can help you maintain clean, healthy pierced ears.



Will ear piercing hurt? How do I explain this to my child?
— We love using numbing cream and ice to make the treatment more comfortable. Most patients just feel a tiny prick and the treatment is done. Tenderness at the site is typical for unto 2-4 weeks.
My child is only 5 and is asking for ear piercings, is that okay?
— Piercing at any age is okay. Unfortunately there is not an exact right time to decide to pierce the ears. As a dermatologist we know allergies to earrings can happen and are less likely to happen at/after the age of 6.
Can we take pictures or video this memorable event?
— Absolutely. We love families to get involved with videos and piercing. Our doctor and staff allow for the videos and pictures on social media and love to share this moment with you.
Do you pierce adults?
— Yes. Although we cater to children on this procedures we can perform ear piercings on anyone. We can pierce multiple sites of the ear if that is your cultural practice, however we do not pierce other body sites.