Breakthroughs in cosmetic dermatology, including non-surgical body contouring, can help you achieve the physique you’re looking for.  Now at Gunn Dermatology, we have the latest most innovative techniques. 


Before and Afters



PHYSIQ body contouring uses a combination of heat and energy to reduce fat, tighten skin and tone muscle, and get your body to that “next level.”

PHYSIQ targets problem areas for optimal, natural-looking results with NO DOWNTIME. 



How It Works

PHYSIQ is a muscle building, fat-reducing, and skin tightening device.  It is the only device in the US to utilize STEP technology (Sequential Thermal & Electrical Pulse) by incorporating both electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and a superluminescent diode matrix (SDM) laser to build muscle. By delivering both energies from each of its four applicators, PHYSIQ provides the variable stimulation to maximize results in a comfortable, no downtime treatment. PHYSIQ was designed so that multiple areas, even small body parts, can be targeted.  



There is no real recovery. You might expect your skin to be slightly pink for a matter of hours afterward.


After-Treatment Care

A post-treatment care plan will be suggested for you to use for at least  2 weeks after the treatment.  Most patients are able to go back to all activities immediately after the treatment.  However, you may have some mild muscle tenderness that can last 1-5 days.


Physiq is a unique treatment that can destroy fat and Coolsculpting over a series of 5 treatments and is less expensive.  It can also build muscle just like EMsculpt with the extra benefit of tightening the skin too. 

  • Builds Muscle

  • Destroys Fat

  • Tightens skin

  • It can be used on the abs, flanks, arms, legs, inner and outer thighs, banana rolls, buttocks.

  • Decreases crepey skin on the body

  • No Pain

  • No Downtime

  • Immediate and Longterm Results

What To Expect

Depending on the area to be treated, your provider will select between 2 to 4 large, flat handpieces placed on your skin over the area to be treated, such as the abs, thighs, arms, legs, etc. The procedure takes between 15-30 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. Both muscle stimulation and fat reduction can be performed simultaneously or separately.  The fat reduction feels like a warm sensation that can feel hot but not painful.  The muscle stimulation feels like a comfortable muscle contraction similar to working out. 



30 min to 3 hours in clinic depending on the number of areas to be treated

Recommended Sessions:  The initial series is 5 treatments every two weeks. More sessions can be utilized if desired.  Some desire to make continue muscle building without fat reduction. The treatment sessions are customizable.



— Most patients enjoy the feeling of this treatment and have an exhilaration afterwards, much like an invigorating exercise. The warmth is very comfortable even when it feels hot because the temperature slowly increases for tolerance.
— Everyone is different, but the muscle building is similar to lifting 15 lb weight 1000 times or doing 1000 crunches. This persists and resets the clock allowing you to get back to workout routines after a surgery or pregnancy or just get you strong enough to feel confident. It is not a healthy diet and exercise replacement, it is a supplement and kick starter.
Am I a good candidate?
— Would you like to feel stronger? If so, yes you are a candidate. Do you have extra fat that is not going away with diet and exercise? Then yes, you are a great candidate for Physiq.